Ball Pursuit

University of Waterloo (ME100)



Ball Pursuit is a dynamic, two-player tabletop game that offers a fresh take on a mix of classic playground and arcade activities. The two players go head-to-head using multiple “Bumpers” interconnected by a system of “Tracks” to control their marble-sized balls inside a shell. Each ball is assigned to the role of its player; one controls a "running" ball, while the other operates a “chasing” ball. It is essentially a game of tag, where one player aims to tag the other within a specific time interval.


As of December 3rd, 2024, all the project functions have been completed. However, some challenges that were uncovered during testing will remain unresolved. The border bumper units are not functional due to jamming; however, the inner bumper works. During gameplay testing, it was found that the ball tended to fly out of the tracks when excess force was applied. Additionally, the gravity wells don’t function as intended due to an error that occurred during 3d printing. However, it was concluded that the toy provided ample opportunity for expansion based off of the working prototypes. These ideas were mentioned as recommendations on our final ME100 report destined to Spin Master LLC.

" Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works "

— Steve Jobs (someone that inspires me a lot)